Do you remember that guidance when you were learning to drive? In doing so, counterintuitively, we were taught to bring correction to the car’s path and save ourselves. In the realm of healing our personal wounds, it works the same way.
Most of us are visited upon by unhealed wounds from childhood, often triggered in our relationships. Painful and fear producing, our first impulse is to push away or get away from the sensations we feel or the thoughts they generate. The last thing we want to do is to invite and be with them…not to ‘turn in to them’.
Consider this: the antidote to the recurring upsets is actually found within them. The healing we seek is built in to the energy that the upset generates, as if a homing device. So, what on earth would have you go into the yuk of your inner world…certainly not on my say so.
Truly, it must come from your deepest desire for freedom and to live as your authentic Self, to no longer be imprisoned by the limitations of unhealed wounds and the patterns of self-sabotage that diminish success and happiness. The willingness to ‘turn in to it’ must be yours; not yours alone, but rather yours with a faith and trust that you are not alone.
Dare I say that when we connect with that deeper source, God, Divine, The Universe, whatever name you give to it, we open to the capacity and courage that would have us go to those places which our protective shields would never allow. And it is there, where healing, peace and freedom are found.
When we turn in to that which stirs our fear and pain, and Trust the Divine guidance offered, we come to recognize the face of God which is always present, welcoming us with open arms. This is where miracles happen and where we see with new eyes and with an openness of heart we could not have before imagined.
(John Rabner is a spiritual life coach and draws his insights from deeply personal experiences and from the wisdom derived from others on their path of divine awakening)